Thermafiber RainBarrier 45 - 4" 24"x48"
Thermafiber® RainBarrier® HD Continuous Insulation products are designed for exceptional performance in rain screen and cavity wall construction applications. Mineral wool insulation provides thermal insulation, fire resistive characteristics, and acoustical control while efficiently draining water from a cavity system. All Thermafiber® RainBarrier® products are non-combustible and compatible with common wall ties and air barrier systems
- Non-combustible, non-deteriorating, and inorganic
- Repels and effi ciently drains water heavy density rigid board Helps conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Fire resistant to temperatures above 2,000º F (1,093º C)
- Enhances acoustical performance
- Natural dark color provides camoufl aging in open joint façades
- Minimum 70% recycled content
- Contributes to credits in several green building programs such as LEED® and Green Globes
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